Black Coffee

Black Coffee (café Shachor) for 1 person
What you need
- Kettle
- Glass
- Grinder (if you have whole beans)
- 7g of good coffee
Step 1
Boil 150ml of water
Step 2
Grind 7g of coffee (best) or take the same amount of pre-ground coffee from your bag. The beans should be ground at a very fine level, it should look as a powder.
Step 4
Put the coffee grounds in the glass and put the boiling water over them. Usually a 150ml glass. Stir and serve.
What you get
It’s almost a sin for me to explain how a black coffee should be done in Israel, once I only learned how to make it here. In fact, it is really easy to do and all Israelis know very well how to make it. I decided to put it here since we may have some non-Israeli customers. By the way, just as a curiosity, this coffee, which is called café shachor in Hebrew, is a source of many misunderstandings at our coffee shop. Direct translating it to “black coffee” may have a different meaning to English speaking people who probably will think they would get a regular filter coffee.